That, my dear friends, was five months ago.
Finally on last Friday, 27th July, five months later, that promise came true. She-who-shall-not-be-named
However, for most, our fun came AFTER the treat. Certain others (who shall also not be named) decided that they were suddenly Sec 1 and decided to drag the rest of us into the neoprint machine on the 4th level of Causeway Point.
It was a traumatising experience. Maybe we should just let the pictures do the talking. 'Tis amazing how boys can be totally fascinated by large pinky machines with pink screens and cutesy Japanese girls. Okay then again, maybe I answered my own question...
Without further adieu, the pictures:
This is a picture of the girl classmates having um, fun before the machine. As girls usually do.
This is the poops, hogging the machine. See the Jappy girls on the screen? They couldn't get enough....